
Hello Bloggers and friends,

Life has spun out of control for me this year. Things happen and life feels unkind. In talking to folks I know it seems that many others have had similar experiences this year.  For me it has felt like there has been so much psychological or cosmic rain that all my umbrellas have drifted away and there is no cover to be had. I find myself in an unending storm that keeps knocking me off my feet. Things I believed in, work I loved, colleagues I trusted, those things are gone. I want to believe that what has left is clearing the way for new and wonderful changes, but I’m struggling in what feels like a nether world.  Pretty much these past months I’ve been feeling like one of my metaphorical umbrellas drifting, battered, torn and without purpose. Haven’t wanted to write, haven’t had the words, haven’t wanted to risk.

I’m learning over and over again to take joy in small things. To find shelter in the protective arms of family. Currently, there are few others to trust, but today the sun is shining and in spite of everything the birds keep singing and so I wait. Sticking my toes in the waters of hopeful expectation, tentatively.

One of the small things that has brought so much joy is the discovery that the artist Emitt Rhodes has made a record after 4 decades of silence.  In younger years I’d worn out the two albums, (yes, I’m old) I’d had. Looking for him over the years I tried to find more music, but it seemed like he had disappeared. It seems to me that in reading about him, he has been adrift, lost and sad, for a very long time. It seems like he has not been able to find happiness, until maybe now.  Really hope this is a turning point for him. Anyway, if you’ve heard him long ago, perhaps you were unaware of his new music. I’ve shared my current favorite below. If you haven’t heard him, I hope you’ll listen. Enjoy!





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