Geography of Place

In Writing 101 today’s assignment is: Choose a place to which you’d like to be transported if you could — and tell us the backstory. How does this specific location affect you? Is it somewhere you’ve been, luring you with the power of nostalgia, or a place you’re aching to explore for the first time?

“If only there were time enough or word enough or rhyme enough, I would take you there.” Harry Nilsson

How many words have been written to evoke the ideas of place and what it means to us?  Who am I, (an unworthy writer) to describe the place I want to go? Despite my disclaimer I will do what I can to take us there.

In this place, the sun pours in, creating a feeling of warmth and calls up the appearance comfort. How does comfort appear? On a  creamy white plate, It is fresh baked just buttered. Little pools of sun shining on a raft. Through an open window light streams in, lulling me to relax. As if someone extended an irresistible invitation, like the sand at water’s edge on your feet. The perfect mix of coolness on your feet and warmth on your back. A hint of a breeze dancing on your face.

When I am in this place I feel complete surrender and the willingness to engage with all my surroundings. Mind, body and spirit are one. I am completely at home in myself and the world around me. Like a chilled glass of water, I breathe deeply and drink it in. It is the place where sunflowers wave to me in the wind and clocks stop. Although I’ve pictured many images that call summer to mind, in this place, weather doesn’t matter. I could be standing in a soaking rain, but not feel it, or feel it and enjoy it. I am weightless here and held completely by the feelings of strength. It is as if someone is holding me and I trust them so much that I can melt  into the security they offer. I know they will accept and carry me, enveloping me like a warm sweater.

Like Dorothy, we can all go there. How we get there may not be by clicking our heels, but it is a place many of us yearn for.  It is where we are most at home. If I had my choice I would stay there most of the time, but I resign myself to the times I must leave, because those times heighten my feelings of wanting to get back there as soon as I can. When I am stressed or feel the heavy cloak of fear choking me, I go back there, calling up some of the images I’ve shared. While I think of it as my actual home at times, what it really is, is that feeling of being comfortable and having a place in the world. It is love, but love is so many things to so many people I cannot begin to say what it is for each reader.  For myself, I know it is this nearly indescribable feeling that fills me with joy and purpose. It is the feeling of acceptance, trust and harmony.

Because music is often my vehicle for arriving at this place I’ve included links to a couple of songs that take me to this place. I’d love to know what takes my readers to this place so please share your songs, images or memories of home/love/acceptance, should you choose to comment.

“And it’s my mind, and there’s no time when I’m alone.” Lennon and McCartney

Getting By with a little help…from an unexpected source

Dear Layla,

The Reverend is busy snooping on someone’s computer (!) I tried to break into her thoughts, and help her to reconsider such behavior. She is hiding behind the lame excuse that she could better assist if she had all the information to help someone that they aren’t ready to share. I keep trying to remind her that she doesn’t need to be perfect or control the universe, but she so wants to help others. She is unable, at this time to display any kind of moral fortitude. Sadly, today I find her weak and way too curious about stuff that she should know she has no business rooting around in. I’m trying to be understanding with her because she started back on her diet today, and there are all manner of tasty goodies here for her family. Perhaps when you reply you can give her a gentle talking to. Under other circumstances I find her easy to talk with but today I can’t engage her in conversation.

Since I’m all knowing I figured I’d help her and you by responding to your e-mail.  Besides, I know you’ve felt estranged from me over the years and I want you to know that even when you felt farthest from me and when your life was at its worst I was always watching over you. I knew you were strong but your proposed letter to Qays  is one of the most poignant and touching letters I’ve ever read. It confirms your strength, capacity to forgive, and willingness to move ahead.

All your life, whether you know it or not you have been working on becoming the tremendous woman that you are. I’ve watched in wonder at your growth over the past year.  Whether you know it or not, you’ve taken leaps and bounds with seeming ease and with great grace.  You
risked your heart when Qays walked backed into your life and you’ve rightly identified that it is this risk that is making you whole.  I always knew you were one of my most brilliant children, a star that lights up the lives of so many.  No matter how harsh things have been for you,
I can see by this letter that you haven’t allowed experience to harden your heart.  On the contrary, you’ve let it soften you and open you to the teachings contained in the good and the bad that you have encountered.
Many are never able to incorporate this paradoxical lesson into their lives. This alone should have you walking on clouds for a long time.

Perhaps the greatest strength of your letter is your ability to explain the purpose, express your needs and yet create no obligation for Qays. This is a gift of redemption and grace that you give to both yourself and to Qays. These words speak of my Holy Spirit being alive in the
world through your thoughts and words and actions. I know you have felt at times that you could not find me, but I am present in your embodiment. You, and others like you are reminders that my spirit lives in the world whether I am called Buddha, Allah or God. You are blessed
my dear child and you are a blessing to so many.  The only change I’ve made to your letter is through the miracle of spell check which suggests that over-analyze is hyphenated. Otherwise I wouldn’t change a thing.

Eternally Yours- if you want to find me,


P.S. I’m sure the Rev. will be back in touch soon. Have faith in her, I do.