Geography of Place

In Writing 101 today’s assignment is: Choose a place to which you’d like to be transported if you could — and tell us the backstory. How does this specific location affect you? Is it somewhere you’ve been, luring you with the power of nostalgia, or a place you’re aching to explore for the first time?

“If only there were time enough or word enough or rhyme enough, I would take you there.” Harry Nilsson

How many words have been written to evoke the ideas of place and what it means to us?  Who am I, (an unworthy writer) to describe the place I want to go? Despite my disclaimer I will do what I can to take us there.

In this place, the sun pours in, creating a feeling of warmth and calls up the appearance comfort. How does comfort appear? On a  creamy white plate, It is fresh baked just buttered. Little pools of sun shining on a raft. Through an open window light streams in, lulling me to relax. As if someone extended an irresistible invitation, like the sand at water’s edge on your feet. The perfect mix of coolness on your feet and warmth on your back. A hint of a breeze dancing on your face.

When I am in this place I feel complete surrender and the willingness to engage with all my surroundings. Mind, body and spirit are one. I am completely at home in myself and the world around me. Like a chilled glass of water, I breathe deeply and drink it in. It is the place where sunflowers wave to me in the wind and clocks stop. Although I’ve pictured many images that call summer to mind, in this place, weather doesn’t matter. I could be standing in a soaking rain, but not feel it, or feel it and enjoy it. I am weightless here and held completely by the feelings of strength. It is as if someone is holding me and I trust them so much that I can melt  into the security they offer. I know they will accept and carry me, enveloping me like a warm sweater.

Like Dorothy, we can all go there. How we get there may not be by clicking our heels, but it is a place many of us yearn for.  It is where we are most at home. If I had my choice I would stay there most of the time, but I resign myself to the times I must leave, because those times heighten my feelings of wanting to get back there as soon as I can. When I am stressed or feel the heavy cloak of fear choking me, I go back there, calling up some of the images I’ve shared. While I think of it as my actual home at times, what it really is, is that feeling of being comfortable and having a place in the world. It is love, but love is so many things to so many people I cannot begin to say what it is for each reader.  For myself, I know it is this nearly indescribable feeling that fills me with joy and purpose. It is the feeling of acceptance, trust and harmony.

Because music is often my vehicle for arriving at this place I’ve included links to a couple of songs that take me to this place. I’d love to know what takes my readers to this place so please share your songs, images or memories of home/love/acceptance, should you choose to comment.

“And it’s my mind, and there’s no time when I’m alone.” Lennon and McCartney

The Transporter | The Daily Post

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “The Transporter.”

Today, instead of doing what I “should” be doing, (as a little voice reminds me of the saying, “don’t should on me”) I went to the Daily Post and hit the writing prompt randomizer. It instructed me  as follows, “Tell us about a sensation — a taste, a smell, a piece of music — that transports you back to childhood.”  I used to wonder about my father, who says he remembers little of his childhood.  I’d plead for stories about when he was younger, and received some from my Uncle, but not much of anything from my father.  Now, I understand this better because I do not have an abundance of childhood memories. Many of my more profound memories, of music, sights and sounds, come from teenage years.

Now that I’ve said that, I do have memories of  my parents driving my brother and me around at Christmas time to look at the different neighborhoods and see how families decorated. The colors were vivid, the mood was festive and the excitement and anticipation were palpable to me as we drove. Even in the dark, there were these tiny beacons that stood up to what as a child was a sense of foreboding, especially when things are cold and dark.  One house was prettier than the next. If the moon was out, so much the better. The lights mirrored the night sky. The dark and light, reflecting back to us the things we prize about our lives, each a little twinkle that can shine or be snuffed out by the things we do that we would rather bury in the dark. I’m sure my parents had no idea the lasting effects these annual drives, from my earliest memories have informed my life, my livelihood and existence.

My Grandmother, divorced from her Catholic roots, (She loved to tell the story of coming home from parochial school and telling her father that if the Nuns hit her one more time she would quit school.- They did and she did, going to work as a waitress at a very young age.) did not celebrate holidays, except Thanksgiving with much fanfare.  But she would string tiny white lights across the living room, and if she decided to have one, the tree.

Religion was complicated in my growing up family, but the sense of wonder, awe and mystery heralded by the lights is something that still excites and is rarely tiresome. I decorate our house with outside lights most of the year.  It is a calling of some sort. I imagine it is the power of the tradition, as well as the symbolism of light that invoke this need I have to light the darkness.

I light it because in my heart I am preserving that sense of wonder, giving it honor and connection. It is about entering into mystery and ritual and creation through the beauty of the lights.  It is a continuation of the ritual. It is hope that was kindled in the lights of my childhood and the affirmation that even when the way appears lost, there is a light somewhere, leading me on.


Three Things Thursday March 5, 2015

Last week as an assignment from the Blogging 101 class I just finished, we were supposed to try an event.  I had a good time trying Three Things Thursday and thought I would try again. Thanks Nerd on the Brain!

SO – My three things are as follows.

1. One of my dogs has had some problems, but the tests that were run this117 week were better than we anticipated. She has a number of health issues. She nearly died from pancreatitis. She had an adverse reaction to a rabies vaccine. She is nearly blind and her front feet turn out. This makes walking difficult for her, but she can find her way out of any harness I put on her.

2. I learn from her every day. She is very good-natured and accepts her life with such happiness and joy. She wakes up happy, and wags her tail, unless she feels sick. She likes her water therapy walks. To me, she is the embodiment of Three Things Thursday. She lives her life as though she is happy to be here, grateful for what she receives and happy to love and be loved.

3. She makes me appreciate my life and reminds/teaches me how to live.

3. IMG_0552

Three Things Thursday

In Blogging 101 we were invited to find a community event and participate.

I chose three things Thursday from Nerd on the Brain’s blog

In no particular order, in the past week three things that have made me happy, grateful, or inspired include:

A day to work at home. Hey, even if it is working, I actually do enjoy my work, but it is often not the kind of work I can do curled up on the couch with my dogs and cats. How great to work at home!

My Pictures 004

Meringues from Trader Joe’s! They have saved my calorie count this week.

Hearing from a friend and knowing that we will be getting together soon. NO picture, please imagine getting together with your own friends…

Blog Roll

Today in Blogging 101 the assignment is to create a Blogroll. To the right of my posts there is already a list of blogs I follow. So, I thought I’d highlight a couple of them here.

Sharon’s blog caught my eye because of her quote form Paulo Coelho at the top. However she has lovely pictures on her blog, I love her categories, especially “Vintage and Ephemera.” It is kind of like a moment for contemplation and escape for me.

Only 100 words is an interesting concept and the stories offer me things to think about. Often a little surprise at the end, something to think about and a moment to read a story at only 100 words. What a nice gift to me when I need a break.I feel like I’ve accomplished something! Besides that I like the blog, although I haven’t met the person behind it, she offered suggestions to me that I appreciated when I first started blogging. It is sometimes a risk to reach out to others, and I’m grateful when someone does that for me.

Miss Understood writes Haiku. (Need I say more?!) Have to support other Haiku bloggers. Love the pictures that are matched to the Haiku.  Nice blog to visit.

SO- I like the idea of sharing what I’m reading so I may keep doing this from time to time. Hope the links work and hope you enjoy visiting these blogs.