Writing 101 -Day 19 Ode to Meister Eckhart

Day Nineteen: Don’t Stop the Rockin’

Today is a free writing day. Write at least four-hundred words, and once you start typing, don’t stop. No self-editing, no trash-talking, and no second guessing: just go. Bonus points if you tackle an idea you’ve been playing with but think is too silly to post about.

“If the only prayer you said was thank you, it would be enough.-  Attributed to Meister Eckhart

Here is a site about him and his work.  There are others but this is an interesting place to start. http://www.ellopos.net/default.asp

I’ve been playing with the idea of gratitude, it appears frequently on this blog, coupled with grace. It is vocational and avocation for me and I guess I hope for most of us. In this hard life, no one has to help us and yet everyone’s survival depends on assisting on another. I’ve been noticing that when I am grateful, I’m less self involved and generally happier. While I consider myself a person who is appreciative of what I have, I want to be more so.

I’ve been trying to write a prayer that expresses the sentiment attributed to Meister Eckhart. There are so many wonderful things to be thankful for. Health and family tops the list for me. Here, I want to focus on the seemingly simple elements I notice and forget to be thankful for.

Spirit of the Cosmos

If this one day is all that is left to me, I pray to consider my life, the moments that have brought joy, and the joy of being alive where I have been placed in this space and time. I am blessed with so much to say thank you for.

The view outside my window.  Day in, day out. Thank you, loving creator, for the gentle waving of pine branches reminding me that as they are evergreen, so each new day has rhythms that are understood and eternal and timeless yet reborn each day as new. Constantly present, a shelter to the woodland creatures that share our space, a moment’s breath when I working, thank you.

The seasons and rituals afforded in winter, spirng, summer and autumn. For Thanksgiving dinner, in November and crisp apples in September. The greening of the earth in April and the first walk in snowy December, brisk and chill. God of time and space, thank you.

For each person crossing my path, those who inform, instruct and even those who irritate my life. All have much to teach me. Thank you for the moments I am open to learning.

For the moments of grace, forgiveness, for joy borne of pain, gain out of loss, triumph over that which seemed insurmountable, you, spirit of earth, sea and sky have inhabited them all. For the memories of moments. For all who have supported and sustained me, for family and friends new and old, for the story that may yet unfold, thank you.

As the day lengthens and night descends, may these blessings abundantly bestowed on me carry me and those I love into  a quiet rest and the thought of a new day. Thank you.

Three Things Thursday, April 9 (Letter G) Edition

I missed last week so I am getting back to T3 or three things Thursday


I’m glad/grateful/good with:

A really lovely holiday weekend just past.  Good time spent with family, Great meals (and leftovers this week), and gorgeous music at church.

A meaningful exchange with a client in which I heard griefgrowth (yes you can hear it), gratitude.

A unexpected day off that allowed me to work at home.  The weather was gloomy, grey and ghostly.

This was generally a gleeful exercise.


Three Things Thursday

In Blogging 101 we were invited to find a community event and participate.

I chose three things Thursday from Nerd on the Brain’s blog http://nerdinthebrain.com/three-things-thursday/

In no particular order, in the past week three things that have made me happy, grateful, or inspired include:

A day to work at home. Hey, even if it is working, I actually do enjoy my work, but it is often not the kind of work I can do curled up on the couch with my dogs and cats. How great to work at home!

My Pictures 004

Meringues from Trader Joe’s! They have saved my calorie count this week.

Hearing from a friend and knowing that we will be getting together soon. NO picture, please imagine getting together with your own friends…